A cognitive architecture that can generate a world model must include several key features:
- Perception: The architecture must have the ability to perceive the environment through various senses such as vision, hearing, touch, and so on.
- Memory: The architecture must have the ability to store and retrieve information about the environment and the interactions that occur within it.
- Reasoning: The architecture must have the ability to make inferences about the environment and the relationships between different elements within it.
- Planning: The architecture must have the ability to plan actions based on its understanding of the environment and its goals.
- Representation: The architecture must have a representational system that allows it to represent the environment, including the properties and relations between objects, and the dynamics of the environment.
- Attention: The architecture must have the ability to selectively focus on certain aspects of the environment while ignoring others, in order to efficiently process the information.
- Grounding: The architecture must have the ability to ground its understanding of the world in the sensory data it receives, and relate its internal representations to the external world.
- Self-awareness: The architecture must have the ability to reflect on its own internal states and processes, and to use this self-awareness to improve its understanding of the environment.
- Representation of the self: The architecture must have the ability to represent and reason about the self, including its own goals, intentions, and beliefs.
- Flexibility: The architecture must be flexible enough to deal with novel situations and unexpected events, to be able to adapt to changing environments and update its model accordingly.
This list is not exhaustive and there may be other features that could be considered depending on the specific requirements of the architecture and the intended application. The key is that the cognitive architecture should be able to integrate all the features and make inferences about the world based on the information it receives.