Cognitive Architectures

  • The Components of PSI Theory

    Psi-Theory is a cognitive architecture developed by Dietrich Dörner and his colleagues, which aims to explain how the mind works in terms of interacting systems. Psi-Theory is based on the idea that the mind is composed of multiple interacting systems, such as perception, memory, and action, and that these systems are connected by a set…

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  • The Difference between Self-Awareness and Representation of the Self in Cognitive Architectures

    Self-awareness and representation of the self are closely related concepts, but they refer to slightly different aspects of the cognitive architecture. Self-awareness refers to the architecture’s ability to reflect on its own internal states and processes. This includes the ability to introspect, or to be aware of one’s own mental states, such as one’s own…

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  • What is Grounding in Cognitive Architectures

    Grounding refers to the process of relating the internal representations of the cognitive architecture to the external world. It is the ability of the architecture to connect its internal representations to the sensory data it receives from the environment. This allows the architecture to understand the meaning of its internal representations in terms of the…

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  • The Basic Requirements for a Cognitive Architecture to Come Up with a World Model

    A cognitive architecture that can generate a world model must include several key features: This list is not exhaustive and there may be other features that could be considered depending on the specific requirements of the architecture and the intended application. The key is that the cognitive architecture should be able to integrate all the…

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  • What Aspects are Needed to Create a Cognitive Architecture

    A cognitive architecture is a theoretical framework that aims to explain how the human mind works. When creating a new cognitive architecture, cognitive scientists consider multiple aspects, including: In addition to these general considerations, there are also specific issues to be addressed depending on the domain of application of the cognitive architecture. For example, if…

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